In reflecting on Sunday evening's sermon from the opening chapters of Job (click here to listen to the full sermon, Job's response to the disturbing news is particularly gripping! In quick succession four messengers came and made known to Job of the loss not only of all earthly possessions but also his children. Imagine being in Job's shoes... What would you do after losing everything?
In verse 20 of Chapter 1 we read that Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head. This was common behavior for those who are grieving, but as many of us know the external customs and ways of showing grief, somehow does not express the full weight of what is being felt in the soul. In that moment of suffering you might wonder, why me?, why now?, why this?, It is so painful. Many of us have experienced the kind of pain where you wonder, "does anyone else know such suffering?"
There is anticipation created for us who are spectators of the suffering of Job. As we wonder: Has anyone lost as much as Job did? Have I? Have you? Our anticipation revolves around this question: "What will Job do now? What comes after grief?" Satan has already challenged the integrity of Job, betting that Job would curse God to His face if God should touch Job's possessions (Job 1:11). So will Job curse God?
We read in verse 20 that Job did the opposite of what the enemy thought. Job fell on the ground and worshipped. Instead of cursing God, Job worshipped.
Job serves as an example to us in his suffering. He demonstrates that when the going gets tough, the tough... worships. Satan counts on it that God has to please and pamper us in order for us to love and worship Him. Through Job's loss, God is demonstrating that the upright and righteous worship and fear Him for who He is. Consider Job's words of Worship: "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job 1:21).
Christ has set us free from the bondage of sin and death that we might worship God. Will you believe and worship despite setbacks, loss and difficulties? If God has a hold on you through Christ, what else is there to do? Let us encourage one another then: When the going gets tough, the tough worships God. To borrow from Paul: We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil 4:13). It is Christ who gives us the strength to worship, and true worship has no other source. Let us worship in Spirit and in truth!
In Christ